For some reason, 26 years later the memory of Rothko’s “untitled” hanging in Paris jarred my finger into a homage on my iPad.
Category Archives: Art studio
I am finishing off my Instagram feed with drawings of birds before considering which posts to cull from the feed …
No shock and awe
My efforts to grow my Instagram feed “organically” is being tested. It is fluctuating around the upper 140’s. The use …
Art process
Bringing in some of my 2010 iPhone digital drawings as analogue images.
Working with what I’ve got
My Instagram dilemma continues. To be or not to be?
Warning- flickering images.
Working the Instagram grid: My reflections on making and displaying images on social media.
Is it another dry well- an ongoing narrative…for now.
Spontaneity in drawing…walking the edge with pen and ink.
Working the grid
Reflections on social media: Playing with time,colour and shapes on Instagram.
Looking for an image
Caught between 2 art worlds looking for a pathway.