Experiments with cyanotype prints – chasing the blues away. Working with what we got.
Tag Archives: art process
My canvas is a big iPad
I am using my canvas as giant iPad screen. This is no surprise, after spending a decade of cutting and pasting images under the glass screen of my iPad.
Solomon’s choice
Other drawings, languishing in the orphan stack, may find their way into the work because they add to the visual story, offering clues of the drawing’s underlying intent of capturing memory and meaning.
A scattered post about right now, complaining of sore arms, describing a little of my current art practice all on the cusp of our nation’s important federal election. A chance to discard the political sludge accumulated over the past decade and reshape our country for the better. Roll on Saturday night.
A self reflective discourse on the use of social media including Instagram and virtual cobwebs on creativity.
Homages. Travels through an iPhone.
Cover image. This doodle of mine includes one of the wonderful timeless self portraits by Rembrandt.
I am enjoy hiding images and visual references within my work.
Making of grandchild with toy
A link to my video showing the making of my contribution to this year’s TAE charity art exhibition
No shock and awe
My efforts to grow my Instagram feed “organically” is being tested. It is fluctuating around the upper 140’s. The use …
Working the grid
Reflections on social media: Playing with time,colour and shapes on Instagram.