The world of printing press, ink and chemistry provides opportunities to avoid settling down alone with my mind’s eye, staring at a blank sheet. The discipline required, by the various processes, rein in my impatience and at the same time keep me curious in the chance of happy accidents.
Tag Archives: fine art
My canvas is a big iPad
I am using my canvas as giant iPad screen. This is no surprise, after spending a decade of cutting and pasting images under the glass screen of my iPad.
A scattered post about right now, complaining of sore arms, describing a little of my current art practice all on the cusp of our nation’s important federal election. A chance to discard the political sludge accumulated over the past decade and reshape our country for the better. Roll on Saturday night.
Art studio database -Julian Wigley
Completed recording around 500 drawings and paintings.Now is the “In the bin” or “on the wall” time.
Busy in the studio as the world burns
Painting with torn paper. Archival of course.
A rambling rumination on art
It’s a fine luxury to be in a position to work at unravelling your world view through your art without the threat of poverty or persecution.
It is a noble endeavour to create pretty and decorative images that give pleasure and respite to our daily grind. Is exploring the not so nice realities of the world in an aesthetic coating any more noble?
Further thoughts on social media and art. A kind of thinking aloud serial post.
A day at the NGV International with Hokusai. This is an exhibition to see if you love the drawn line …
Sketch with fountain pen followed by applying digital colour and texture
Drop in drawing session at the MAGNT with local artists in Darwin. Sketching using ink (fountain pen) followed by applying …
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