Group shows
- 2011 Merge exhibition. Science and Art. Nan Geisse Gallery, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia.
- 2010 Illuminated Touch 2010: Art made on iPods and iPhones. Open House Gallery, Mulberry Street, Manhattan, New York, USA.
- 2010 Digits to Digital: An exhibition of ipod and iPhone finger art. Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA.
- 1999 West Australian Museum: Culture and History. North-West region.
- 1995 Collins Gallery, Glasgow. Animation Plus. Stills and film.
- 1981 Exhibition of large paintings. Rachell Howley Art Centre. St Kilda, Australia.
- 1974 Annual show. Peninsular Art Centre, Mornington, Victoria, Australia.

Solo shows
- 1984 Drawings and paintings. Niagara Galleries, Melbourne, Australia.
- 1982 Drawings and paintings. NT Museum and Art Galleries. Darwin, Australia.
- 1982 Drawings and paintings. Greenhill Galleries. Adelaide, Australia.
- 1980 Drawings and paintings Trades Hall Gallery. Melbourne, Australia.
- 1972 Drawings, mechanical sculptures, animation loops, paintings, film projection onto objects, programmed sounds. Ewing gallery. Melbourne, Australia.

- The Lardil people of Mornington Island. Binnion J. Illustrated by Julian Wigley. 1987. Published Adelaide Aboriginal Community College. Teacher Kit.
- Cartoons and graphics prepared for numerous publications 1963- ongoing.
Sequential stories
- Mining: A pictorial story of mining companies and how they get to mine on Aboriginal land in Australia.(Edition of 10,000). Julian Wigley. Red Heart Productions. 1982.Published by the CCJP Sydney. Australia. In 1985 remaining copies withdrawn and destroyed at Glebe Tip, due to legal threats.
- Red Heart No 1. A pictorial Chronicle of the life and times in Central Australia. 1979. (Edition of 200). Julian Wigley. Published by the Adelaide Art Foundation, Adelaide, Australia. 2nd Edition Melbourne 1980 published by Trades Hall Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.

- Mobile Digital Art Leibowitz. D. 2013
- When you think about art-1997-2008. Vivian Helen. 2008
- Encyclopedia of Australian Art. McCulloch Allan. 1984 Revised 1994/2004
- Artists in Australia: Germaine. M 1985. (This one merges my fathers bio and bits of mine)
- Design & Art Australia Online. Database
- Centre for Australian Art-Australian Prints+printmaking. Database
- Merge Festival 2010, Darwin CDU. Science and art. Presented paper on App Mashery about fingerpainting on the iPod/iPad.
- IAMDA 2010 NYC. Inaugural conference of the International Association of Mobile Digital Artists.
- National Library Collection, Canberra, Australia.
- AIATSIS. Architectural drawings and notes.
- Australian Childrens Foundation, Melbourne, Australia.
- Latrobe University Collection, Victoria, Australia.
- National Gallery of Australia. Canberra, Australia.
- Northern Territory Museum and Art Galleries. Darwin, Australia.
- Western Australian Museum. Perth, Australia.
- Mornington Peninsular Galleries, Victoria, Australia.
- Private collections in Australia, Europe and the U.S.A.
- 2010. Travel grant to New York City to attend the initial International mobile artists conference. Arts NT. Darwin.
- 2010. Travels to Berlin and Italy. Galleries and Museums.
- 2002. Travels to France and Spain. Galleries and Museums.
- 1993. Travel grant to represent Australia at the Annecy Animation Festival, France. Australian Film Corporation (AFC). Canberra, Australia.
- 1981. Travels to Europe and New York. Galleries and Museums.
- 1972 to Current. Periodic regional travel throughout northern Australia.

Art studio database -Julian Wigley

Beta database: Check my catalogue of existing works 1968 to 2012. My catalogue collection is raw, ready for further culling and curating, on the other hand, it is what it is, all exposed, until I get around to sort. And, anyway, I keep making work to add to the catalogue.
If you are interested in the Creative catalogue database, contact Meccamedialight as they are trialling the service.