A start to a photo essay on walls inside and outside.

This part of the stadium caught my as I was passing by in a train because the flag stand reminded me of the drawings of the Futurist architect Antonio Sant’Elia. The sloping wall countered by the vertical elements has become part of the design language of many architects since his drawings.

I know this alive wall intimately from when it was a dead plastic roofed alleyway. It has evolved, with loving attention given by its owners, into a very striking event of the house by its patterns, texture, and seasonal colours.

I always look for ways for natural light to enter walled interiors to provide some mystery and surprise. The tonal gradation shifts during the day until night falls.

Then there are holes in walls. This is my favourite take-away in Darwin city for the past two decades. This represents a part of a families working life, with a larger story behind the counter… I never asked, to my shame.
A break in pace.
Walls within walls-an architectural trope?

Then there are locked walls within walls. An old time version.

Holes in walls-a window to the street.

Transparent walls-On the outside looking in.