Amazing diving sequence without weights,walking on the bottom of the earth.
Author Archives: Julian
Fishing in the Hilton Lobby
Photo mash on iPad
Piano player playing in the hotel lobby
2050. iPad drawing
Front to back doodle
Brushes drawing on iPad made in Darwin on Saturday night.
SP post 2013 election.
iPad drawing using Brushes
Posted on September 6, 2013 by julian Searching for art work done by our mother Molly Burden. Love to hear from anyone who …
Thinking of dead bees
Dead bees cannot be good for our world…Business self-interest always trumps what’s good for all. Please vote wisely this Saturday …
Talk on “silver bullets” and other important matters.
Enjoyed giving a talk on “Why Aboriginal Housing ?” at the State Library to the Architects Co operative-Melbourne. A journey …
Continue reading “Talk on “silver bullets” and other important matters.”