Artists database in development
A digital archive of many of my drawings and paintings made between 1968 and 2018 is now on line. Itspurpose is to provide a record of each work. The photo quality is rough and ready as I have had to work my way through over 500 works. All is exposed, until I get around to curating and taking presentation photos, which maybe never.
I have put off the hard choice of “in the bin” or “on the wall” for the work that I have carted around for over forty years. Selection is hard. I have used the principle of putting work away and look at it another day. That day is approaching, fast.
curating glasses
I have special Curating glasses to assist me in deciding which work will be delegated to the bin. The trouble is I really need them as most of my work has meaning to me for many reasons. Some are autobiographical, others explore ideas or play with materials. The fish, for example, is an experiment playing with a digital print, taken off an iPad finger drawing, using pen and ink on two substrates. So it goes.

The Creative catalog database was developed by my talented sons at Meccamedialight . They are trialling the service and looking for other testers.